The Feminist Section of InkriT
»The aim of the feminist revolution is the liberation of women from male domination, and thereby the transformation of our society into one based on solidarity«, writes Frigga Haug in her article on the movement and struggle concept, »Marxism-Feminism« (2015). The Feminist Section accompanies the process of the compilation of the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (HCDM) and intervenes in it. It suggests alternative entries and women authors and organizes supplementary chapters for those entries that lack a feminist point of view and perspective, that is, as long as the authors have not yet opened their Marxist thinking to feminist objection. Among its goals is the introduction of Feminism into Marxism and of changing it in this way. At the same time it organizes historical-critical work about women’s history and its integration in the work of the historical-critical dictionary as a whole. The best insight into the achievements of the Feminist Section in connection with the dictionary is the collection of entries already published in the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Feminism (HKWF).

The HKWF takes up the history of feminism, struggles waged there and controversies; it collects (in 3 volumes so far) international debates about the theory and practice of feminist politics.
Abtreibung bis Hexe (abortion to witch)
Hierarchie/Antihierarchie bis Köchin (hierarchy/anti-hierarchy to cook)
Kollektiv bis Liebe (collectiv to love)
Among the activities of the Feminist Section is an annual Dialectics Week, in which dialectical thinking is studied and acquired in order to increase political competence and capacity, and the organization of an annual Feminist Fall Academy with topics such as: Occupy feminist: On the reappropriation of the concept of work, the political arena and social relations (2013) or (I) as a feminist in socialist politics. How do we make contradictions productive? (2014); the training of speakers for the dissemination of the Four-in-One-Perspective as a compass for Left politics; the support of the women's editorial team of the journal Das Argument; up to suggestions for the series Berlin Contributions to Critical Theory.
Invitation to participate
The Section needs many helpers, authors, translators, political-scientific work, speakers, research, ideas and fantasy and the experience of many women to discuss entries, vote on their suitability, write, suggest new entries, inform about new publications and write. Without the work of the Section the dictionary would lack the feminist objection and the continuing work on Marxism-Feminism. The Feminist Section meets at the annual InkriT conferences, where they work in workshops on dictionary articles and elect -- together with the other Fellows -- the Fellow speakers.
In the periodical Das Argument we publish once each year a special issue of feminist themes; here women are invited to contribute, to suggest topics, to search for authors and to write articles. We study the current movements and raise questions. We write and publish reviews of new publications (in each issue of Das Argument), also as practice in academic writing, thus providing ourselves with an overview of the state of feminist debates and passing it on.
We work together to prepare the Feminist Fall Academy and the Dialectics Week, plan workshops and working groups, formulate topics, give ourselves a program. From these activities the speaker group has formed; they give talks, on the Four-in-One-Perspective, for example.
In short: You can join the Feminist Section anywhere; many women are needed to take part in different forms, to discuss, write and to learn together and to try out a good life.
Our international congress The Strength of Critique - Trajectories of Marxism-Feminism in March 2015 provided a great and hopeful view of what has already been done - but also of what remains to be done. The congress marks an international new beginning, inspiring renewal: a subsequent, second congress was held in Vienna 2016 - meanwhile, we are planning a continuation in Lund (Sweden) in 2018. The Feminist Section of InkriT and the women's editorial team of the journal Das Argument will take up the discussions and continue them. Together we want to set themes, gain authors, develop political projects - and find fellow activists.
3rd International Marxist-Feminist Conference 2018
Transforming our lives. Transforming the world.
Lund (Sweden) 6./7. 10. 2018
2. International Conference of Marxism-Feminism
Vienna 2016
Building Bridges - Shifting and Strengthening Visions - Exploring Alternatives
Call for the formation of the Feminist Section
In 2011 the section was founded with the following call:
»Under the roof of InkriT a Feminist Section has grown that will organize conferences and seminars for the feminist use/deployment of dialectical thinking. There will be an annual Dialectics Week where the „classics“ – from Marx and Engels via Luxemburg, Gramsci, Brecht and others – will be studied (critically acquired) and translated into the art of politics. The section will organize annual open Fall Academies for the dissemination of a thinking that intervenes, one that is not satisfied with gender mainstreaming but that aims at a change of society, change of the self included. All women who have not yet given up hope of an alternative society are invited to participate.«
Founding members of the Feminist Section are Petra Fichtner, Frigga Haug, Regina Jürgens, Biggi Ostmeyer, Heidi Scharf, Katharina Schwabedissen, Pamela Strutz.
Trajectories of Marxism-Feminism
The 28 authors of this rich issue of Das Argument gather to discuss the history and future of Marxism-feminism as a project for the whole society. The book to the Congress The Strength of Criticique. Trajectories of Marxism-feminism in Berlin 2015 is available since 2016.